Dais raised over $100k in presale

Dais, the Web3’s first AI-powered NFT ecosystem, launched its beta presale on April 11 and has so far raised $111,216, highlighting investors’ interest in bringing together fashion and the metaverse.

A screenshot from Dais website.
Source: dais.network

Dais, the new fashion NFT platform, aims to streamline the process of creating digital outfits, making it accessible to all users regardless of their level of Web3 savvy. With its NFT design studio, Dais removes any technical obstacles left, so that designers and artists are free to express their creativity, being able to choose from a variety of patterns, textures, and colors to produce unique pieces of digital fashion.

The platform’s beta presale of DAIS, an ERC-20 token that serves as a medium of exchange in Dais’ creator economy, has so far raised $111,216, with around 222 million tokens sold at $0.0005 price. The project’s team aims to sell half of DAIS 20 billion supply across four equal rounds, with the other half set aside for future burn mechanisms (20%), CEX listings (11%), DEX liquidity (10%), and marketing campaigns (9%).

According to the project’s whitepaper, the digital fashion industry is already worth $500 million and is estimated to reach a $4.8 billion valuation by 2031, making it a lucrative market for Dais to enter.

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Under its roadmap, Dais aims to forge partnerships with established fashion brands, NFT, and Metaverse projects and get listed on centralized exchanges, including Binance. Its plans for Q4 2023 include, among other things, co-integrations with external metaverses, the first exclusive sponsored fashion NFT event, and VR games launch.

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“Technology and its intersection with fashion is quickly becoming an entirely new vertical where brands and consumers have an opportunity to interact and engage seamlessly between the physical and digital worlds. And it is an intersection that customers are readily engaging in and driving the demand and innovation forward very quickly as a result,” said Lucas Till, Head of Product at Dais.