Web3 Salaries Up To 128% Higher Than In Traditional Finance

The web3 industry offers significantly higher salaries for finance professionals than web2 businesses. Remote work is also a standard in the decentralized space.

web3 earnings

Web3 is a rapidly evolving environment, offering many business opportunities. With a breakthrough paradigm for decentralized asset distribution, it attracts plenty of money and talent, promising hefty returns for both companies and individuals. According to a recent report, web3 salaries have already by far surpassed those in traditional finance.

Web3 Finance Club, the community for finance leaders in web3, in partnership with Request Finance, the all-in-one finance platform for crypto and fiat operations, carried out a survey including nearly 900 web3 finance professionals to provide insights on compensation trends and benchmarks for other web3 companies.

The survey’s key findings are very optimistic for those headed for decentralized waters. The results show that the average web3 finance professional salary exceeds earnings in traditional finance by 27%, but the difference is as high as 128% for accountants.

In relative numbers, the runners-up are finance managers who earn 37% more than their traditional counterparts. The highest earners in web3 finance are, obviously, CFOs. Their earnings average $181,000 annually – significantly above the overall average of $145,000.

There’s also a blot on the web3 landscape. The report highlights a significant gender gap. Women, who make up only 22% of the survey’s respondents, earn 46% less than man – $106,000 vs $155,000. The difference is huge, considering that the average pay gap in Europe is 13%.

The forms of compensation align with web3 principles: 42% of web3 finance employees are being paid at least partly in crypto, accepting stablecoins and/or tokens issued by their company.

Most of the surveyed professionals work full-time (91%), with only 6% employed on contract and 2% freelancing. A thing many consider an asset is the availability of remote work in the web3 sector. As many as 59% of respondents work online, with 33% employed in a hybrid model and just 8% “stuck” in an office.

Here’s the breakdown of the respondents by their web3 finance role, gender, age, location, and company size.

web3 earnings
Source: Web3 Finance Club

web3 earnings
Source: Web3 Finance Club

web3 remuneration
Source: Web3 Finance Club

web3 wages
Source: Web3 Finance Club

And here are the average annual base salaries in web3 by position.

web3 earnings
Source: Web3 Finance Club

For more details, submit a report request at Web3 Finance Club’s website.