Best jobs in crypto to land: ride the wave of the emerging tech (part 2)

The ultimate guide for entry-level and experienced crypto specialists looking to boost their careers. TECHNICAL SKILLS REQUIRED!

A stock photo featuring a data centre technician with laptop checking on mining devices.

In the first part, you already learned about non-technical roles in crypto. Now it’s time to take a closer look at technical positions, as these are the most well-paid and in-demand jobs in the crypto industry. According to Market and Market’s report, the blockchain market is projected to grow from $4.9b in 2021 to $67.4b by 2026 at an annual rate of 68.4%. As VC funding fuels the emergence of new crypto projects, the need for tech professionals in crypto will increase. Who knows, maybe it’s time to consider changing your career path?

Blockchain engineer

Blockchain engineers are, no doubt, the kings of the industry. These highest-paying professionals are responsible for building and maintaining blockchain-based infrastructures like cryptocurrency exchanges, secure data sharing, supply chain monitoring, and more. Typically, this role requires the knowledge of multiple programming languages like Rust, Java, C++, Solidity, Python, and C#. Solid engineering and cryptography skills are a must too. Since web3 and blockchain development are relatively new fields, there’s no specific degree tailored for this job yet. However, a degree in computer science or a related field would give you solid basics and prepare you for advancing your career in the crypto industry.

Security architect

The security architect's position is lucrative but probably the most demanding and stressful role in the field of crypto. Since many blockchain applications like cryptocurrency exchanges operate with large sums of money, protection against malicious attacks becomes the crucial point of a company's business strategy. Even the most minor data leak can erode users’ trust in products and services, so a security architect must constantly analyze and respond to emerging threats and vulnerabilities. The position requires mastery of cryptography, programming languages, and cybersecurity organization, so the Master’s degree in CS or Mathematics is often a prerequisite.

Front-end developer

Front-end developers focus their efforts on parts of the website or application users directly interact with, like widgets, buttons, registration forms, pages, and menus. The simplicity and intuitive design are crucial for retaining clients and building a loyal customer base. Even slight inconvenience with navigating the service can discourage users from the company’s product, so the front-end developer must find a balance between simplicity and functionality. The necessary skills for this position include proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming languages. The CS degree is a desired asset, but a substantial portfolio can make for the lack of formal education.

Tokenomics specialist

The token economy is an industry still on the early stage of development. Tokens can represent anything from the right to the asset or service to a fraction of the painting. While creating a token isn’t rocket science, understanding how to integrate them into business strategy can be quite a challenge. And that’s where tokenomics specialist comes in. Such a professional is responsible for the token development and application. Since the field is still emerging, there are no degree requirements. The decisive factor is relevant experience and competence working with blockchain ecosystems like Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, Terra, and Polka Dot. A tokenomics specialist should also effortlessly navigate the blockchain environment, which includes knowledge of DEXs, crypto wallets, credit protocols, and gas wars.

Data center technician

The crypto industry isn’t just digital services. There’s also a mining sector with a huge demand for hands-on, hardware-focused professionals like data center technicians. The person on this position is responsible for the maintenance, deployment, diagnosing, and repairing mining equipment. To get this job, one has to have a background in electrical engineering, computer science, or related fields.

Apart from data center technicians, mining companies also frequently look for electricians, embedded developers, pool managers, and cooling systems engineers.

More to come

As the whole crypto industry grows and goes mainstream, we can expect that the number of blockchain-related jobs will continue to grow. And it won’t be just engineering – every technical position will create several non-technical administrative, operational, and management jobs. That means that the industry will open its doors for people of diverse qualifications and educational backgrounds.

This is the second part of our two-part article on crypto careers. This part is focused on technical roles in crypto. To learn more about non-technical positions in the industry, check our first part.