How Blockchain Ensures Fair Play in Games Through Provably Fair Principles

Ensuring true random number generation is key to fairness and equal chance in gaming, from home consoles to casinos. Here's how Blockchain is making that a reality.

Blockchain is revolutionizing the way the world works, from cryptocurrencies to high-level security systems. The methodology behind blockchain provides traceable yet entirely secure records that can be used as a digital ledger. Due to the way that they work, their roots, or seed numbers, can be traced back to their source.

The blocks cannot be altered retroactively, giving blockchain users the ability to ensure their security has not been tampered with across multiple computers, servers, and networks. Blockchain is being used in games, both for casual use and in the many online casinos around the world. To see it in use, simply head to Slotozilla and activate no deposit online bonus to try out one of the many slots.

The Basics of Provably Fair Blockchain

The provably fair concept uses the blockchain's traceability and reliability to provide random numbers and outcomes in games. Due to the way that blockchain works, the randomness of outcomes can be guaranteed and, more importantly, proven. By having access to the full ledger of numbers, equations, and blocks, the generation can be verified as truly random and untampered with. The steps must be understood to fully understand the process.

Here are the key steps involved in a provably fair blockchain process:

  1. Random number generation (RNG): This is the first step in a provably fair blockchain process. On either the client or server side, a random number is generated. This number is then stored and used as the beginning of the traceable process.

  2. Hashing: Next, using a cryptographic algorithm, the random number is hashed. This simply means that the number is put through a complex system to transform the number into another. This hash is publicly available, meaning anyone can access it and predict the outcome, making the result verifiable.

  3. Seed revelation: Once the hash and complex mathematics are completed, the original number is revealed. This original number is known as the seed. The seed can then be run through the publicly available hash, and the outcome can be verified as genuine and untampered with.

To really understand the process behind provably fair blockchain use, it has to be broken down and expanded on. It is a technical system with a number of key factors that make it unique and one of the most secure and reliable number generation systems available today.

Seed Generation

A seed is a random value that serves as the input for the RNG algorithm. This is the beginning of the provably fair blockchain process. The seed is typically generated using a combination of factors:

  • Server-generated seed: A random value generated by the server.

  • Client-generated seed: A random value generated by the user's device.

  • Nonce: A unique identifier that prevents replay attacks.

  • The server and client seeds are hashed and combined to create a combined seed.

Hashing and Encryption

First, the combined seed is hashed using a cryptographic hash function. Then, the hash value is encrypted using a symmetric encryption algorithm. Once this has been completed, the encrypted hash is stored on the blockchain. It can be referred back to and accessed publicly, providing proof of a fair generation. This is key to the provably fair principle.

Revealing the Seed

For the provably fair process to be open and clear, the server needs to make the whole process transparent. This allows users to check the validity of the hash, seed, and outcome. By being publicly available, it can be double-checked to ensure no tampering has occurred in the process. Users are able to:

  1. Recreate the combined seed.

  2. Calculate the hash of the combined seed.

  3. Decrypt the encrypted hash stored on the blockchain.

  4. Verify that the calculated hash matches the decrypted hash.


Verification can be made by anyone who is interested in checking the validity of the seed, hash, and outcome process. If the hashes match, it means that no tampering has occurred, and the validity of the outcome is secure.

A Variety of Uses

The provably fair principle has a wide range of uses, from casual gaming to high-stakes online casino games. Due to its reliability and verifiability, it is becoming the preferred method of random number generation. It eliminates problems of tampering or manipulation and provides security for both players and developers.

Online CasinosOnline casinos can guarantee fair proven outcomes for games like slots, roulette, and card games.
Cryptocurrency LotteriesUsing proven fairness through the blockchain, random number draws can be proven.
Prediction MarketsPrediction outcomes need to be unbiased and unmanipulated to be truly accurate for many market signals.
Blockchain-Based GamesFor a fair and sustainable in-game economy, a truly random and unbiased random number generation is essential.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)Ensures the fairness of automated market makers (AMMs) and other DeFi protocols.
Sports BettingBy using Blockchain, odds and other elements are unable to be manipulated by bookies.
Random Number GeneratorsScientific research and data analysis often needs a high level of random selection. Blockchain offers one of the best and most detailed systems.
Supply Chain ManagementProvenance and authenticity can be proven.

The Benefits of Blockchain

This principle, which is only really just becoming viable on such a large scale, comes with a myriad of benefits. The core of the whole process is providing fair play to both businesses and clients. There has long been a question of just how fair and valid random number generation has been with many digital assets. By using the provably fair blockchain method, the entire process is completely transparent and available to verify.

Along with the provable process and transparent methodology comes a much higher level of security. Due to the cryptographic hash functions, the outcomes of the results cannot be manipulated. For this reason, the security of the numbers and process is locked in and impossible to change.

For the world of gaming, be it computer games, or online casino gambling games, a guarantee of fairness and transparency needs to be available. Unlike previous methods, the outcomes of blockchain randomness are much more complex but, at the same time, verifiably random. This builds trust for gamers due to the fact that they can see the process that gives the outcomes, giving gamblers and gamers alike the assurance that their odds are fair and unmanipulated.