What Are Cross-Chain Bridges?

Cross-chain bridges enable asset, data, and value transfers across blockchain networks, fostering interoperability, cooperation, and decentralized service innovation.

Cross-chain bridges offer a groundbreaking approach to transferring assets, data, and value across various blockchain networks. By addressing the current constraints of separate blockchains, these bridges enable interaction and compatibility between them. As the decentralised landscape continues to evolve rapidly, cross-chain bridges serve as crucial connectors for a wide range of blockchain platforms, spurring progress.

The interoperability of blockchain networks is essential for their expansion and adoption. By ensuring seamless interaction between different networks, users can access a multitude of decentralised services without being confined to a single blockchain. This interconnected environment encourages cooperation and the creation of novel applications, ultimately enhancing the overall worth and usefulness of blockchain technology for its users.

Cross-Chain Bridges: The Concept

Definition of Cross-Chain Bridges

Cross-chain bridges are protocols or infrastructure that enable the secure and trustless transfer of assets, data, and value between different blockchain networks. They act as a medium for communication between isolated blockchains, allowing them to work together and unlock new possibilities for decentralised applications.

Types of Cross-Chain Bridges

Federated bridges involve a consortium of trusted validators who oversee asset transfers between blockchains. These validators are tasked with verifying and approving transactions on both sides of the bridge.

Hashed time-lock contracts (HTLCs) facilitate trustless, atomic swaps across various blockchains by employing cryptographic proofs and time-sensitive transactions. This method guarantees that an asset exchange is either successfully executed or reversed, mitigating the risk of any party reneging on the agreement.

Bridges connecting mainchains and sidechains enable assets to be secured on the mainchain while being represented as pegged tokens on the sidechain. Sidechains can utilise their own consensus mechanisms, allowing for quicker and more cost-effective transactions while maintaining security provided by the mainchain.

Key Components of a Cross-Chain Bridge

Validators: Validators are responsible for confirming the authenticity of transactions on both sides of the bridge, ensuring the integrity of the assets being transferred.

Relayers: Relayers act as intermediaries that transmit data between the connected blockchains, facilitating communication and updates across the networks.

Wrapped tokens: Wrapped tokens are representations of an asset from one blockchain on another blockchain. They maintain a 1:1 peg with the original asset, enabling seamless transfers and interactions across networks.

Cross-Chain Bridges: Use Cases

Liquidity provision and aggregation: Cross-chain bridges enable the pooling of liquidity from multiple blockchain networks, providing users with access to a broader range of financial services and increasing capital efficiency.

Cross-chain lending and borrowing: Bridges facilitate lending and borrowing of assets across different blockchains, expanding the available markets and opportunities for users.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

Cross-chain bridges allow NFTs to be traded and exchanged across different blockchain networks, increasing their liquidity and accessibility.

Interoperable NFT platforms: Bridges enable the creation of NFT platforms that can support assets from multiple blockchains, broadening the possibilities for NFT use cases and applications.

Cross-chain bridges facilitate decentralised governance and voting across multiple blockchain networks, allowing communities to collaborate and make decisions collectively.

By enabling secure and trustless data transfer between different blockchains, cross-chain bridges foster collaboration and innovation, creating new opportunities for decentralised applications and services.

Examples of Cross-Chain Bridge Projects

Chainge Finance

Chainge Finance is a user-centric decentralised financial platform that offers a seamless cross-chain bridge solution connecting 40+ EVM and Non-EVM blockchain networks. The Chainge Finance ecosystem leverages the Fusion blockchain's Distributed Control Rights Management (DCRM) technology, which is officially the longest lasting cross-chain tech that has had ZERO security issues with over 100B in value of assets moved to date. Unlike any other bridge out there, Chainge Finance's cross-chain roaming allows for multiple cross-chain operations to be performed simultaneously, and this is a totally unique achievement.


OpenOcean is a DeFi aggregator that connects 22 blockchains and liquidity sources for cross-chain trading and asset management. By supporting various networks like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Solana, users can access decentralised exchanges and manage assets across networks. OpenOcean's cross-chain bridge enables secure asset transfers and contributes to the development of cross-chain applications within the decentralised ecosystem.


Polkadot is a heterogeneous multi-chain platform designed to facilitate cross-chain communication and interoperability. It connects various blockchains through its relay chain, enabling the transfer of assets and data across networks. Polkadot's parachains and bridges provide a scalable and secure infrastructure for developers to create innovative decentralised applications that can interact with multiple blockchain ecosystems.

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Chainlink is a decentralised oracle network that provides reliable and secure off-chain data to smart contracts on various blockchains. While Chainlink's primary focus is on connecting external data sources to smart contracts, it also supports cross-chain communication through its oracle network. Chainlink's oracles can relay data and trigger events across multiple blockchain networks, enabling a new level of interoperability.


ThorChain is a decentralised liquidity network designed to enable cross-chain swaps of digital assets in a trustless and non-custodial manner. Using its native token RUNE, ThorChain connects various blockchain networks and allows users to swap assets across different chains without relying on centralised intermediaries. The platform's innovative design ensures that liquidity is always available and that users receive the best possible rates for their trades.


As blockchain technology continues to evolve, cross-chain bridges will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of decentralised ecosystems. By connecting various networks and facilitating seamless interactions between them, cross-chain bridges pave the way for a more connected and accessible decentralised world. In the long run, these bridges have the potential to revolutionise how value and data are exchanged, ultimately transforming the landscape of finance, governance, and digital asset management.